الطلب عل الإنترنت
Get your Slerp orders integrated to your POS
Slerp is the leading online ordering solution and digital platform for hospitality, made for operators by operators. Their direct-to-consumer, online ordering solution SlerpSpace enables you to easily sell what you want, how you want directly from your website and social channels. Diversify your revenue stream, future-proof and grow online with ASAP and pre-order, local and nationwide, deliveries and pick-ups. Your brand, experience, customers and data owned and controlled by you.
تكامل undefined مع دليفركت
تواصل معنا لمناقشة تفاصيل أعمال مؤسستك والتحضير وإعداد عرض تجريبي مجاني لمعاينة دليفركت أثناء العمل