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    Download our free ebooks to get in-depth information on the delivery industry. These are practical guides to set up and optimize your delivery operations or dark kitchens, and inform you on industry trends, business plans, and much more. 


    How restaurants win through digital

    Restaurants have truly demonstrated their resilience and adaptability in recent years. And with technology advancing at lightning speed, restaurants have yet another chance to shake things up and stay ahead of the curve.

    Thriving in the current landscape requires understanding the changes in customer behavior and how they interact with brands.



    Understanding the nuances of generational preferences in dining is pivotal for businesses aiming to thrive in today's dynamic market. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z and beyond, each generation brings distinct tastes, behaviors, and expectations to the table.

    There’s no denying that Gen Z is a key customer group to focus on right now. They will dominate the economy in the coming years, and they have distinct preferences when it comes to eating out and ordering in. Learn all about it in our latest report:

    How Restaurants Can “Deliver” on Revenue During Times of Inflation

    We surveyed consumers across the globe to understand their attitudes toward takeout and food deliveries during this time of economic change. The results show people are saying yes to treating themselves to food-to-go now more than before inflation began to rise.

    Download the study and gain relevant insight into how consumers behave amidst an inflationary economy.

    Saudi Arabia sees surge in Cloud Kitchens

    Based on a recent survey conducted by Deliverect and Qoot, this ebook reveals just how important dark kitchens have become to KSA's Food & Beverage industry.

    With the growth of the delivery industry, dark kitchens are becoming more and more profitable. Our ebook explores how businesses can take advantage of this revenue opportunity by creating multiple brands under one dark kitchen to tailor their offerings to meet the needs of different markets.

    Stay ahead of the curve in one of the fastest-growing sectors in the region.

    How multi-location restaurants in North America can scale effortlessly with technology

    Using technology is more than just meeting consumer habits. It is about running a more efficient business, improving service, and increasing revenue. Download our eBook to see how technology can help restaurants accelerate growth and discover best practices from Chipotle, SPIN, and Copper Branch!

    The Ultimate Guide to opening a successful restaurant in the UAE

    For years, the United Arab Emirates has been the most thriving tourist destination among the Gulf nations. The ever-rising number of tourists and the country’s high per capita income have put the UAE at the forefront of the F&B industry in the region, turning it into an international food destination. Not surprisingly, the country’s fast-emerging foodservice industry continuously sees many new restaurants opening.

    But the booming market isn’t the only reason the UAE restaurant industry is an excellent opportunity for budding entrepreneurs. In the Emirates, consumers typically eat out 6.75 times per week. In addition, online food orders have skyrocketed and show no signs of slowing down.

    In this guide, we will unlock valuable tips, insights, and resources you can use to launch a successful restaurant into this surging market.

    How multi-location restaurants in the Middle East scale effortlessly with technology

    Using technology is more than just meeting consumer habits. It is about running a more efficient business, improving service, and increasing revenue. Download our eBook to see how technology can help restaurants accelerate growth and discover best practices from Poke&Co, Chipotle, and PINZA!

    The actionable guide to restaurant profitability

    If you own a restaurant, you know how critical profitability is. In this eBook, we explain all the issues related to profitability, help you understand your profit margins and give you tactics to increase them, so your business can thrive!

    The rise of Q-commerce: the next generation of E-commerce

    Have you heard of Q-commerce or Quick commerce? This hyper-local and hyper-fast on-demand delivery is here to answer growing consumer needs. Our eBook will tell you everything you need to know about this revolution in the online ordering landscape. From its characteristics to the best practices to get started, read our eBook and become an expert, quickly!

    Launching a successful delivery business

    In this eBook, you’ll learn how to select the most impactful target audience for your food and how to choose the right delivery channels. We'll show you how to market your delivery offering in 6 steps and give you tips on how to deliver the best experiences possible to your customers.

    The added value of delivery

    In this eBook, you’ll learn more about the forces driving the transformation of the food and hospitality business. We’ll also provide you with hard facts on delivery service fees and help you identify the best way to incorporate delivery into your restaurant operations.

    Dark kitchens 101

    In this eBook, we will define the dark kitchen and highlight its pros and cons, investigate the trends that led to the rise of this new hospitality business model and explain different setups and considerations to keep in mind as you open your very first dark kitchen.

    Dark kitchens: getting started

    In our Dark Kitchens 101 eBook, we covered the basic definitions of delivery-only kitchens and the most common business models. In this second eBook, we’ll dive deeper into business plans, equipment, and marketing strategies needed to maximize the success of your dark kitchen.

    Omnichannel for Restaurants

    In this eBook, you'll learn everything you need to know about the omnichannel method for restaurants and why it's beneficial for you to have it as a customer active within delivery!

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    At the end of each month we'll send you news, tips & tricks, and operational guides on how to make the most of your online sales channels.